Archive for October, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!  Today is a day to break your wedding diet and stuff your face with minature-sized candy bars, Tootsie rolls, and those mysteriously addictive candy corn.

Just to get you in the Hallowen spirit, I present to you:

The Bee Girl from Blind Melon’s “No Rain”:



And now, the “Bee Girl” from 2008:


Poor sad little bee girl…


It turns out that knowing how to sew can come in handy when your husband wants to be a ridiculous character from 1992.  This is one of the many reasons that I adore him, he will even step into a tutu if it means he will get a laugh. 

Please excuse the shoddy pictures….sadly our house was broken into last week, and the only camera that survived the burglary was this very retro 3.2 megapixel Casio.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!!

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Giveaway from Beau-coup!!

Today, we are giving away a $50 gift certificate to Beau-coup Wedding Favors to a fabulous Just Chic Events blog reader!! 



Beau-coup has a huge array of options for favors and other wedding goodies.  My most recent favorites are their new monogrammed brownie bites……how cute are these!?  I love miniature versions of foods (mini cheesecake hors d’œuvre anyone??), and putting any food on a stick always pushes it over the edge for me (hellllooo, cheese on a stick), so this in my opinion is a favor sent from the gods themselves.


To enter, just leave a comment below and tell us what Beau-coup favor is YOUR absolute favorite!!  You have until this Friday (Halloween!!) at 12pm PST to enter, and then we will select someone at random.  Good luck everyone!!

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From Miss to Mrs…

Who says the work is done once you hit your wedding day!?  You come back from your honeymoon to a slew of unopened gifts to be put away, blank thank-you notes to write, and a name to change!

There are many reasons and ways to change one’s name, after the wedding day.  The most traditional and common way is for the bride to take the groom’s last name.  Many brides feel like sharing a last name with their husband (and their future children, if those are in the plans!) makes them feel more like a unified family, and also makes it easier when dealing with schools, other parents, travel plans, etc.  Other brides, for professional or personal reasons, choose to hyphenate,  make their maiden name their middle name, or not change their names at all.  In any case, if you are changing your name, the process can seem daunting.

I know many brides procrastinate on starting the process…. there are tons of forms to fill out, dozens of lines to stand in, or phone calls to make.  Most brides don’t even know where to begin!!  Enter Name Birdie, a new fab website that completely simplifies the name change process for you!!


Their basic packages start at $24.95, which doesn’t seem like much to me to alleviate some of that name-changing headache!!

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Give the man some cake!!

There are few things in the wedding planning process that are made specifically for the groom, one of them being the newly resurfacing “groom’s cake.”   According to Wedding Channel:

“A groom’s cake has its roots in the South, and although it used to be viewed as an added and unnecessary expense, this once-neglected cake has been making a huge comeback. Intended to be a gift from the bride to the groom, the groom’s cake is usually dark (often chocolate or liquor-soaked) and designed with a nod towards what’s traditionally considered “masculine” (i.e., no rosettes in sight).  Although you do not need a groom’s cake, you just may want one. The groom’s cake can serve many purposes, from dessert at the rehearsal dinner, to an alternative choice to the bride’s cake at the wedding.”

More and more brides are incorporating this tradition back into their wedding day, and those that don’t, sometimes may end up regretting it!  I cheated my own husband out of his groom’s cake (when the budget hit the roof, it was the first thing to get cut), and now that he knows what a groom’s cake actually is, he continues to gripe about how I, in his own words, “jipped him.”

Today, brides are having fun with the groom’s cake, incorporating their fiance’s favorite teams or hobbies into the actual shape of the cake.  This is the part of the wedding where it’s OK to get a little cheesy, and incorporate the Simpons, or his nerdy love for anything Star Wars.   I’ve been seeing some fabulously fun groom’s cakes at local bakers and wanted to share!


By far, my favorite that I’ve seen recently, was this I-phone cake, made by Joeleen at A Sweet Design (PS: I actually got to taste this cake and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G as usual!!):



This film reel cake couldn’t have been more perfect for my own husband, done by Jamaica’s Cakes:



Perfect for the Vegas lover, from deCroupet’s Cake Sisters:



Or for the music lover, his favorite instrument, this guitar by Skiff’s Cakes:



For the sports fanatic, what about a jersey cake of his favorite team?  This Steelers jersey done by Scrumptious Wedding Cakes:




For the guy who has to have his daily Starbucks, this cake is made by Sweet Lady Jane:




For the guy who is into NASCAR, a racing car cake by Hansen’s Cakes:



For the Star Wars fanatic, an R2D2 cake, by Cinderella Cakes:


And for the bowler, his perfect pin, by Cinderella Cakes:

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